Who Am I?

meContact: 100waystowrite@gmail.com

Who is Chelsea?
Hey everyone and welcome to 100 Ways to Write! I’m your host/author!

From white sandy beaches to the southern humidity, I come from a wide range of backgrounds. As an 18-year-old collegiate student, I strive to bring all of you a refreshing place to listen to my sarcastic voice and insights about the world. 100 Ways to Write originally was here for me when I embodied the definition of a deathly emotional roller coaster in high school. Hint hint: I will forever be grateful for this blog’s existence. Nowadays, I find myself late at night and jogging early in the mornings, living with my new best friend, coffee (hence the banner). I’m here not only for myself, though, but also for all of you. The 100 is meant to be a shared place where nobody, whether you are queer or the far conservative, should be scared to express his or her own opinions. I’m here for you, and, hopefully, that’s enough for now.


Writing is…

Honestly, I have no idea. It’s a form of expression, but I’m not the one to judge or come up with a certain definition. Whatever you scribble down on paper, whether it’s in words or artwork, is writing because as long as you’re displaying some sort of message or idea or even a statement, it’s pretty damn good to me.

100 Ways to Write is here because…

As I’ve already stated, its original purpose served me well. However, 100 Ways to Write has morphed into something much more, giving me hope to change the world. I use the site to help others, bring insight, and communicate my thoughts with all of you. In a way, this is my diary, but understand that I maintain a certain animosity. In my opinion, this works out for all of us as we shouldn’t be focusing on who is behind the words, but rather how we can connect with the words.

2016 brings new and exciting events, including Babblings of a Bibliophile. As this serves as the About page, I would like to introduce a new addition to 100 Ways to Write. 

Who is Olivia?

Hello and welcome to Babblings of a Bibliophile. My name is Olivia and I liv.jpgam addicted to the written word.

Now that we have THAT over with, let me talk a little bit about why I’m here. Chelsea, my endearing friend, my fellow college peer, my lovely faux girlfriend for school projects, has invited me to talk to y’all (Yes, I said “y’all”. I’m from Texas, we do that here) about some of the books I’ve been reading and the obsessive habits that come with the process. It’s going to be kind of like a one-sided book club, where I talk about my thoughts and opinions and give short plot summaries… I won’t give spoilers, don’t worry, I’m (most-likely) not THAT cruel. So, I’m only twenty, I’ve read quite a bit but I’ll admit I’ve yet to enter the realm of proficient literary scholars but I hope to someday! Until then, hold on with me and try not to judge my book taste too much. I’m going to start with some of my all-time favorites, my read-pondered-reread-re-pondered-rinse-and-repeaters. After we get more comfortable with each other, I’ll take your suggestions of authors and titles to read and write about! I have loads of opinions and thoughts and questions that I can’t wait to share. Wish me luck and tune in for more!


I don’t formally accept awards, meaning that I don’t write acceptance posts and do the nomination lists, because I’m not really into making a huge deal out of them. However, I do appreciate that I have been nominated for them and will update my awards here throughout time.

liebster award onelovely very inspiring blogger

8 thoughts on “Who Am I?

  1. Good to meet you Chelsea 🙂
    I can relate with you as far as the thoughts in spoken form and written form is concerned. At times I too have this difficulty in articulating an idea in spoken form while I can take time to think and write better 🙂


  2. Nice to be in contact. You found the blog where I write about photography. If you browsed past my latest article, you’d have noticed I only write about photography.
    Now that I know about you I plan on wandering through your site and get to know you.


  3. Hi Chelsea, nice to meet you. I know it’s been a couple of months since you pushed the ‘like’ button on our blog. Sorry I’ve taken so long to get back to you. Anyway, thank you for following. I hope you enjoy the stories of our journey. And don’t be a stranger – come on over and join the conversation.

    Liked by 1 person

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