Erotica v. Porn

One of the many things in life, especially in the writing sphere, is to confront topics that we see as uncomfortable. Namely, when you see the title to this article, I know there are some odd feelings riled up. Well, maybe “riled” isn’t the right word, but rather a pique of interest. Whether that interest…

Why 100 Ways to Write?

I’ve been getting this question a lot lately, and, to be honest, I’m not really sure why I haven’t answered this sooner. Right now, I’m probably about a year late, but I mean…better late than never. So, according to some people, they’re not really sure what my purpose on this site is. My goals, my…

Speech Does Not Equal Punishment

                A couple nights ago, one of my close friends suffered a family loss: when I say “loss”, I mean her father was brutally stabbed to death by Islamic fundamentalists and her mother experienced some severe injuries and is currently recovering in a hospital in Bangladesh. You may say, “Things like this happen every day…

How to Write a Guest Post

                I got the idea of a “guest post” from Catherine at Never Stationary. As a matter of fact, she helped me start off this blog, and I will be forever grateful that she did. You da best, Cat! So, after a few months of legitimately writing on…

I Now Respect Authors

Just to start off, if you haven’t read my bucket list, you should. It will inspire you to make your own, which in turn is good for your self-preservation. Anyway, near the top of my bucket list for this summer is to write a novel, and to be frank, I’m having a hard time with…