Upcoming and Forward

Hello everyone! It’s been awhile since we’ve hung out (and trust me, I’ve taken note), so it’s time to do some catching up/revamping/forewarnings for all the lovely people who come out and read this blog. There isn’t too much philosophical or social identifying posts today, and that’s something that I’ve been struggling with for the…

Does Hard Work Really Pay Off?

We’re going to keep it short today, because I’m a little pissed off about how this semester is going and if I rant too long, I’m not going to get anything done tonight. So this morning, I got a test back and received a grade that was SIGNIFICANTLY lower than what I’m used to. What…

Letters to New Friends

Note to everyone: this is a rendition of an older post, called “Letters to Old Friends.” But it’s to my new ones…so yeah. Why am I doing this? Because I want to. Also, I don’t really have the guts to say this to their face – but I’m working on that! Plus, I’ve learned a…

Social Experiment: A New Approach to Myers-Brigg

So you know that Myers-Brigg personality test? If not, that’s fine. I’ll explain here. There’s about 65 statements in this test and all you really need to do is agree or disagree on a scale (strongly agree, neutral, etc.). Fairly simple test – the questions aren’t hard (more like “You like to go to parties…

I Changed My Major for My Health

I know it’s Humanity Tuesday, but this is way too important. Plus, we need to take a break – it’s time to talk college. Before yesterday, I had a very narrow perception about certain things, one of them being schoolwork and grades. If somebody told me they withdrew or dropped a class, I judged them.…