Letters of the World

With the Daily Post Photo Challenge being “Alphabet,” I decided to go a little wild by engaging and integrating all aspects of language. By including all these words in one frame (that all have the same meaning, by the way), I want to show to you what I hope the world will look like some…

On the Steps of Sacre Coeur

In transition to Christmas spirit, I want to answer the Daily Post’s weekly challenge: gathering. I think this would be nice before I delve into talking about communities and joyful merriment (is that a word? not sure, yet). Even though this picture took place in Paris (and it’s the end of En France category), the steps…

Eye See Happily Ever After

Tell me why Marie Antoinette gets to have donkeys AND Snow White’s dwarf house. You wanna play “Where’s Waldo,” Daily Post? Or have me post a picture of an eye? Or maybe let me do something different. Because after all, an eye is the window of perception. And behind this fence, I see a fairy…

This is Chocolate.

In honor of Halloween, I decided to still celebrate it while in France and participate in the Daily Post Photo Challenge. Unlike many people who answered, I’m not going to tell you my “treat” for Halloween the way others did. A lot of people like to take the word “treat” quite figuratively to be artsy…